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Monday, November 16, 2015


“ I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Corinthians 1:4 (NIV) Autumn in Japan is one of the most beautiful times of the year. After a hot and humid summer, it brought light breeze and pleasant cooler temperatures throughout the land. Although it is short, it offers picturesque views and abundant natural treats for the people of Japan. We praise God for His unfailing love and grace in this land. There are so many things we are thankful for His blessings in our lives. Praise God for Hitachinaka Ezra Project! Thank you for your prayers! We had wonderful time of teaching and fellowship with the Hitachinaka church members. We praise God for their zeal to learn and grow in Christ. It was a very intensive, and very fruitful retreat. With the fruit of this Elder Inoue, Ken, Ron, and Charles at the retreat retreat added to their foundation, they are becoming one in accord to build His church in this land. We are seeking God’s wisdom since we’ve been asked by the East Kanto Presbytery Education Committee to teach them about the Ezra Project. Praise God! Thank God for the Praise Ministry at Misato Church! God is using this ministry to gather His children to sing new songs and giving them the freedom to praise God through music and testimony. This ministry is geared for young adults to invite non-Christians to learn about Christianity. Many non-Christians have come and some have expressed that this was their first time coming to church. Japan has less than one percent of Christians and it is not surprising to hear that they’ve never come to church before. After praising God, we share the gospel. Many ask about basic theology, God, sin, prayer, heaven and hell... When we receive these questions, we have Christian young adults answer them and have Rev. Mochida sum up the answers. This ministry also allows the young adults to practice the apologetics and about sharing the gospel to their non-Christian friends. Hallelujah! Thank You! In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to thank each one of you for allowing us to do your ministry in Japan by raising future leaders for the church. We had young adults over at our house for a fellowship lunch and Bible study. It’s been over 16 years since Jeannie and I arrived in Japan and we deeply appreciate your sacrificial giving and unceasing prayers for us to work in this land for His kingdom expansion! May God continue to bless you abundantly as you partake in saving the 126 million lost souls in Japan. The Lees from Japan